Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 24
SELECTED MESSAGES.... Continued from page 23
sacrificing life of Christ is reflected
in our life that we can be in harmony
with heaven, and be fitted to
enter there.
Where Are We Placing Our
But the great study and ambition
of the world is to obtain material,
temporal advantages, to the neglect
of spiritual good. Thus it is with some
members of the church. When at last
they shall be called to render their
account to God, they will not only
be ashamed but astonished that they did not discern the true
riches, and have not laid up treasure in the heavens. They have
bestowed their gifts and offerings upon the enemies of truth,
expecting a time to come in this life when they would receive
the returns for what they have invested. They could entrust
their means to secret societies, but when the cause of God is
in need of the means He has committed to His human agents,
they feel no interest, they do not consider the gift that the Lord
has made to them. They are blinded by the god of
this world.
They say: “I have nothing to give to this enterprise; for I shall
receive no returns. In paying to the lodge, I am providing for
the future, and, besides this, I must bear my share of expense
for the entertainments that gratify my taste. I cannot give up
these enjoyments. Why does the church look to me to help
meet these constantly recurring demands? ‘Lord, I knew thee
that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown,
and gathering where thou hast not strawed: and I was afraid,
and went and hid thy talent in the earth’ {Matt. 25:24, 25},
expecting that some time I would be benefited by it.”
To Godthe Glory
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To God Gloryuitthe
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...for His Fr
your webI was very glad to find
ptist who
site. I am a former Ba
all that
recently found out that
e futurist
we have been taught (th
a Christian for 40
view) is wrong. I’ve been
I never knew the truth!