Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 23
judged by the Lord’s measurement. Behind their apparent advantages are concealed satanic agencies. The larger the income
drawn into the treasury, the more and deeper is the evil. The
ungodly gain which has enriched
these societies will, when traced
The ungodly
out in all its bearings, be seen
gain which has
to be a curse. The words which
Eliphaz spoke to Job are true in
enriched these
respect to these associations:
societies will,
“I saw him ‘taking root,’ but I
when traced out ‘cursed his habitation’” (Job 5:3).
in all its bearings, They are Satan’s traps, his net to
entangle souls.
be seen to be
a curse.
Stewards of God
You who have connected yourselves with these secret societies
are trusting in a staff that will be broken in pieces; you do not
trust in the Lord God of Israel, diligently searching to know
His will and to follow in His way. When you invest money in
these organizations, you do so in the hope of making provision for the future. You have given them time and thought and
labor and money, while the cause of Christ has been neglected.
Every dollar paid into these organizations is as truly turned
away from the cause of God as if sunk in the ocean. But was
not this capital entrusted to you of God to use in His service,
for the salvation of your fellow men? By investing it where it
cannot honor God or benefit men, you are repeating the sin of
the slothful servant who hid his Lord’s talent in the earth.
A Question of Loyalty
The Lord had entrusted to the unfaithful servant not a large
to God
capital, but only one talent. That one talent the man did not
Very many things are sanctioned and upheld by the world
invest for the interest of God; he hid it in the earth, complainwhen they are an offense to the Holy One of Israel. It was
ing that the Lord was a har