Faith On The Line - Stress, Stress Go Away Vol 19 | Page 25
When they are willing to count all things but loss that
they may win Christ, their eyes will be opened to see
things as they really are. Then they will turn away from
the earthly attractions to the heavenly. Then they will see
the true nature of the worldly, selfish enjoyments that
they now value so highly, and these things that they now
hold so dear will be given up.
Continued from page 2
your stories...
to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12, 13).
This is the plan which God has revealed to us to guide us
in all the plans and purposes of life. But while men pray,
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is
in heaven” (Matt. 6:10), many reject the very means by
which God would establish His kingdom.
All heaven is looking upon you who claim to believe the
most sacred truth ever committed to mortals. Angels
are waiting with longing desire to cooperate with you in
working for the salvation of souls. Will you refuse this
heavenly alliance in order to maintain your connection
with society where God is not
honored, where His commandAll heaven is
ments are trampled upon? How
looking upon
would the truth ever have been
brought to you if others had felt so you who claim
little interest in its advancement as
to believe the
some of you manifest? The cause
most sacred truth
of God demands our help, that it
may be established upon a proper ever committed
basis, and that the truth may be
to mortals.
carried forward into new fields,
to those who are ready to perish.
Can you who claim to be sons of God refuse to aid in this work? Will
you, in order to receive an earthly return, withhold your means from
the treasury of God, and let His work be shamefully neglected? It is
grievous to consider what might have been accomplished in the saving of souls if the heart and service of all who profess to believe the
truth had been undividedly given to God. Work has been negligently
done. If self had been hid in Christ, sinners might, through wise,
ingenious methods, have been won to the truth, and today be in
cooperation with God.
Now, before the time comes when you must render up your account
to God, I urge you to give heed to His word, “Lay up for yourselves”
a “treasure in the heavens” (Matt. 6:20; Luke 12:33), not in secret
societies. Consider that there is only one Proprietor of the universe, and that every man, with his time, his intellect, his resources,
belongs to the One who has paid the ransom for the soul. God has
a righteous claim to constant service and supreme affection. God’s
will, not your pleasure, is to be your criterion. And though you
should accumulate a fortune less rapidly, you are laying up treasure
in heaven. Who of the church is resolved to maintain his spirituality? Who will develop an experience that reveals Christian fervor,
persevering energy? Who, like Jesus, will not fail nor be discouraged,
God be the itGlor y
...for His
My wife was baptized on July 4, 2009,
as a result of watching Dr. Veith's DVD
series. We really appreciate his ministry. - L. B.
Walter Veith lectures opened my
eyes to Jesus Christ and showed me
the difference between Christianity
and paganism. I joined the Seventhday Adventist church in Corpus
Christi, TX. - J. C.
We thank God (Jesus) for y