them an inch, and there have
been occasions when I have
overdone the fatherly ‘I know
best’ position because, parents,
we are not infallible!
required. We are sowing seeds
into their developing character.
They witness their parents being
respectful and loving towards
each other; as when they see
friction and disagreements, they
We are sure to struggle and also need to see forgiveness
either be judgemental or give in and reconciliation.
too easily sometimes and rela- Ephesians 5:25 ‘Husbands, love
tionships will suffer within the your wives, just as Christ loved
family as a consequence. But the church and gave himself up
unity comes from learning that for her…’ 5:28 ‘In this same way,
the wisdom within the Bible is husbands ought to love their
not about rules; it is about God’s wives as their own bodies. He
grace, respect and love which who loves his wife loves himself.’
those scriptures express. However it is only through the Holy Do they observe us speak lovSpirit’s guidance, correction, and ingly to each other, giving encourencouragement that we can be agement, expressing affection,
the wise and loving parents our and especially listening to each
Father God created us to be. other? Such Christ-like behavSuch Christ-like behaviour will iours are fruits of the Spirit and
show our teenagers that we love sow powerful seeds planted into
them and that Jesus loves them the fertile soil of our child’s mind
too even when they behave as and emotional development.
When times of temptation, rebellion, confusion and moral dilemThere may come a time when mas are used by the enemy to
no matter how hard we try, entice our children into the world
our child will go his or her own and to rebel against us and God,
way. We should not be so sur- these essential qualities built into
prised; look back to our children their character will be a strong
as babies, couldn’t we see they defence.
were already forming minds of
their own? They are blessed 1 Peter 5:8 ‘Be alert and of sober
with enthusiasm but not wisdom; mind. Your enemy the devil
their will is frequently frustrated prowls around like roaring lion
by their lack of skill or aware- looking for someone to devour.’
ness and by our protective parenting. Do you remember trying Many parents however have not
to feed a baby who did not want had such a nurturing environthe stewed apricots? Then the so ment, so how do they teach what
called ‘terrible twos’ happened, they have not learned or expewasn’t there an early warning of rienced for themselves? Morehow strong a child’s ego is even over even a child who receives
in one so young?
such support, may still rebel and
Mums and Dads who prayer- go their own way, what then?
fully teach their children to We don’t always realise what we
respect parental guidance will need until troubles begin, but no
know many blessings but also matter how loving or how damtimes when, patient discipline is aged our own childhood has
been, and even if our children
seem to be ‘beyond the pale’
if we trust in God’s redeeming
grace our child can be restored
and our family reunited.
Matthew 12:20 ‘A bruised reed
he will not break, and a smouldering wick he will not snuff out,
till he has brought justice through
to victory.
My wife and I have sometimes
despaired of ever seeing one of
our children be re-stored. The
road to self-destruction through
rebellion, and fear has been it
seemed inevitable; how could
we pull her back from the brink?
We couldn’t in own strength but
God has and we know His hand
is on her life.
Romans 8:28 ‘And we know
that in all things God works for
the good of those who love him,
who have been called according
to his purpose.’
James 3:17-18 ‘But the wisdom
that comes from heaven is first
of all pure; then peace-loving,
considerate, submissive, full of
mercy and produces good fruit,
impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap
a harvest of righteousness.’
It is our trust and faith in Him
through our prayers and receiving His unconditional love that
make the difference. The wisdom
we need is in His Word, applying those principles by faith creates in us a loving response, and
hope that our child have their
own relationship with Jesus, and
if they drift away, He will draw
them come back.
Read Luke 15:11-32 ‘The par-