observe your daily pursuit of God and His
them see the passion
of your love for Him,
as demonstrated in
obedience and surrender (John 14:15).
Let them see how
you walk out the lifelong commitment to
developing the fruit
of the Spirit of God
(Galations 5:22-23).
Observe the gifts
your child demonstrates. Romans 11:29
tells us that the gifts and
calling of God are irrevocable, meaning that your
child has gifts from God that
will be evident, regardless of
their submission to Him. As a
child, I had natural compassion
and fairness in judgment, to the
degree that in 2nd grade, friends
would call on me to be “the judge”
and solve disagreements on the
playground, an early indicator of
one of the gifts God placed on
my life. Make a note of the natural strengths and capabilities
your child displays and encourage these things. They will lead
to a reveal of the call of God at ing emotional maturity. Teach
them healthy conflict resolusome point.
tion, delayed gratification, and
Guard your child’s soul. the process of working towards
Whether your child is a ter- a goal and following through.
rific two-year-old or a fierce Your child’s emotions can be
fourteen-year-old, he is learn- their best asset or their worst
ing and discovering who he is in enemy to walking in the fullness
relation to God and his world. As of their God-given destiny. A selfadults, we can easily forget how willed child is an undisciplined
overwhelming it can be to grow adult (Proverbs 15:32). Anchorup. Guarding and protecting ing the soul is obedience and
their souls (mind, will and emo- submission to parental authortions) is a two-fold task, which ity in childhood will allow your
begins in prayer and concludes growing child to have the proper
with teaching and demonstrat- context and training to submit to
the refining process as
mature in Christ.
Pray for your child. Faith is
an active process of extending our confidence and hope in
God’s promises for our children
(Hebrews 1:1). Faith is not wishing or unsure, but it is grounded
in God’s Word. This is the foundation of releasing the power and
grace of God into your child’s
life. With authority and faith,
pray daily over your child, that