Faith Filled Family Magazine July 2016 | Page 20

God gives your child the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of their heart enlightened, that they may know what is the hope to which He has called them (Ephesians 1:17-18). God assures us that He watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12) so stand in expectation of the fullness of God to manifest as you pray over your child. 5. Help your child build spiritual muscles. One of the main challenges for Christian parents is the habit of exporting the responsibility of the spiritual training of our children to the local church. Children’s ministry on Sunday mornings is a way to augment, not replace, spiritual development. If we are not actively teaching our children about intimacy with God, hearing His voice and fulfilling Jesus’ command to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons, we will unintentionally raise spiritually ignorant adults. So set a standard of behavior that includes spiritual disciplines. Invite your child to pray alongside you for someone who is sick. Teach them how to listen to the voice of the Lord. Show them how to be imme- diately obedient and sensitive to His direction. Create games where they memorize scripture about their spiritual authority and identity in Christ. Use every chance to get the Word planted in their hearts, so the Holy Spirit can have greater opportunity to speak through them and guide them. So what do you do if you have no idea what your child is called to? Join your child (if they are willing) in prayer, asking God to reveal His purposes and plans for their life. God is a progressive God and He works in seasons. Under- stand that the fullness of their destiny won’t come immediately. Proverbs 25:2 says it’s the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search it out is the glory of kings. This indicates there is a responsibility on our part to steadfastly pursue what He’s hidden for us to discover, however, God works in times and seasons and what He hides for a season, He reveals at the proper time. We see in Exodus 2 that Pharaoh was on a hunt to kill all the Hebrew baby boys under the age of 2. By divine orchestration, God hid Moses in Pharaoh’s household, to be raised as a prince of Egypt. Moses’ life was protected until it was time for the fullness of His divine call to be revealed: as the one who would deliver God’s people out of Egypt. Many times, the enemy comes to abort a destiny while the child is young. If the enemy can’t completely destroy a destiny, he will shift it (looking for every avenue and open door) to bring rejection, fear and pain. A vigilant, praying parent is God’s solution. Your prayers protect your child as God aligns their purpose and builds the internal maturity required to fulfill t heir destiny.