How to
Your A
s a rule of thumb, the
parent-child relationship is the most unique
of all relationships
God-given and designed. God is
a God of intimacy and connection yet we find that in the parent-child relationship, increasing
autonomy and separation is part
of the divine design.
By Remaliah Evans
In an article featured in January 2016 Charisma Magazine,
Pastor John Nielson of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois
wrote, “The common thread that
binds together almost every
ministry-minded 20-something
that I know is abundantly clear:
a home where the gospel was
not peripheral but absolutely
central.” He was speaking from
years of experience with the millennial generation but the message for all parents is clear: we
teach what we know but we
reproduce who we are. So how
do we, as parents, raise and
guide our children in their awareness of the call of God on their
Go after the call of God on
your life. What parents place
as priority will be duplicated in
their children’s affections. From
the beginning, include your child
in the things of God. Let them