controlled and inferior to men.
God’s plan for submission is far
different than what’s played out in
society and it’s not complicated.
In God’s world’s, submitting
involves these three valuable
1) A Willingness to Serve
2) A Heart filled with love
3) An Attitude of God’s Grace
For a husband and wife to live
in unity and peace, both must
be followers of Jesus Christ
and imitate Him in all manner
of conduct and behavior. This
began with putting Christ as
the head of the marriage. I
appreciate and commend you
because you always remember
me in everything and keep firm
possession of the traditions (the
substance of my instructions),
just as I have verbally passed
them on to you. But I want you
to know and realize that Christ
is the Head of every man, the
head of every woman is her
husband, and the Head of Christ
is God. (I Corinthians 11:2-3).
In essence, obey the Lord and
follow as He leads you in the
ways of righteousness. God
always leads with hands of
grace, kindness and love. As
Jesus submits to the will of His
father, so is the husband and
wife to place their marriage in
the capable hands of the Lord
and readily serve each other
faithfully, lovingly and graciously.
And going a little farther, He
threw Himself upon the ground
on His face and prayed saying,
“My Father, if is possible, let this
cup pass from Me; nevertheless,
not what I will-not what I desire,
but as You will and desire.” (Matt. her husband, who was with her.”
(Gen. 3:6 CJB).
The desires of both is to bring
peace, crown the marriage
with genuine selfless love and
looking out for the welfare of
the other while making sure to
resolve problems in a manner
which brings healing by doing
what is in accordance to God’s
plan to keep your marriage alive
and active and full of joy.
Eva was enticed by the pleasures
of the world. She listed to the
serpent and was deceived.
She failed to consult with her
husband, and thus we have the
first recorded account of how
terrible it can be to override the
authority of one’s husband. Her
foolish decision resulted in them
being evicted from their lovely
home. Adam and Eve had it
Women should be submissive made. They didn’t have to pay a
to their husbands
mortgage, home insurance nor
On your wedding day, you stood for the land.
before God and others promising
to love, honor and obey. And “So God drove out the man;
part of honoring your husband and He placed at the east of the
means to submit.
Garden of Eden the cherubim
and a flaming sword which
subject–be burned every way, to keep and
submissive and adapt yourselves guard the way to the tree of life.”
to your own husbands as a
(Gen. 3:24).
service to the Lord.” (Eph. 5:22).
There was no corcen for
The wife is to humbly come provisions, for all they needed
alongside him, giving respect was at their deposal. Food,
by showing she believes in his herbs, water, immeasurable
ability to lead in a manner which resources, peace and tranquility.
brings God glory. You trust him And in one moment, everything
to look out for the best interest of changed.
you and the marriage by working
with him to build a stable and This should not had occurred.
secure marriage based upon the When Adam ceased to speak
principles in the word of God.
up, he failed to protect his wife
from the deception of the enemy.
To succeed at this, the wife is not Adam was with her during this
to usurp authority or leadership conversation. This was one
over her spouse. Such actions time he needed