FAIRYTALE PROJECT OUTCOME I ebook comple | Page 74
“Well, now you will obey me,” said she quietly.
She called them and told that they had to find children from the villages nearby and bring them there anyway.
Hansel wondered why the old woman needed the children, why it was happening to them. Of course, he had to do
He understood that he could spoil everything, but it didn't stop him. So, Hansel and Gretel went to find those children.
Gretel walked like a robot, but for Hansel it was unpleasant to see how indifferent she was. They found children and
having told that they all were going for a walk, brother and sister succeeded to lure children into the house. The old
woman had already been waiting for them and asked Hansel and Gretel to go away from the house for a while but to
leave children with her. They obeyed. Hansel didn't know what she could do with them. The old wo man ordered
Hansel and Gretel to find other children. They found a couple of kids. But Hansel noticed that children were constantly
disappearing from the old woman’s house, but why..?
All that time Hansel wanted to bring his sister to senses. One night he tried to sneak to the kitchen to take the
"ANTIDOTE". While he was walking to the kitchen he heard some strange rustle from the neighbouring room. The boy
ran quickly to get the "ANTIDOTE". He gave it to his sister. Hoping that she would come to her senses, he went to bed.
Next day Gretel woke him up, her eyes were full with tears. He saw sister's scared face, wiped her tears and tried to
calm her down. He told her about what had happened. Gretel was shocked and started shaking from fear. Hansel told
her what to do and how to behave for the woman not to suspect anything.
A little bit later the woman came into the room.