FAIRYTALE PROJECT OUTCOME I ebook comple | Page 75
“I will go to the village,” said she.
As soon as the woman left, Hansel and Gretel went to search for children. They searched all the house but they
couldn't find anybody, not even a single clue. Suddenly they remembered about the room, where they had been
forbidden to enter. Hansel decided to get there. When they opened the door, they saw a dark corridor. There was a lot
cobweb and mice were running everywhere. Suddenly somebody grabbed Hansel’s hand. Terrified children ran
quickly along the corridor into a huge room. There were some tables, test-tubes with potions and huge cages in which
children were sitting. The girl started to search everywhere to find keys and open the cages. Hansel helped to find the
keys. He found them and set starving children free. Meanwhile Gretel was looking for the exit.
At that time the woman noticed a lot of leaflets about missing children in the village. She started her way home. The
woman looked at her hands. Her skin seemed younger and she quickened her pace. When she came home, she saw that
all the children were standing near her house with Hansel and Gretel. The witch turned into a young woman. She
wanted to kill children. One boy took the potion which could destroy the house. This motion stopped the woman. You
may ask how that potion appeared in the child's hands, right? That boy knew how different potions were made and he
was aware of destructive power of that potion.
He threw it and the house turned into diamonds. The children were surprised that it wasn’t ruined completely.