Facebook Marketing Marketing | Page 21

•. The first few seconds: Create a content impact early on. Facebook understands how to display the number of the times the video has been viewed 3 seconds or more. • Short Videos: Think of short videos, those with less than 21/2 tend to have much more complete views than others. •. Climb your video via Facebook: Facebook prioritizes direct inserted contents of your media, so avoid Youtube to leverage their reach. Climb your live video on the network, the result is much higher. • Rule 95: 95% of video watched is already considered by Facebook as a full preview. He considers the final 5% as loans or commercial. Take a ride on time Another interesting point to increase its range is fit issues of the day relating to their market theme. But be careful not to lose the right time of the campaign. Now talk about the case of the blue dress / black and white / gold, for example, you could burn your brand and make room for jokes profile. Has also sure that the subject is " out and about “, you may be talking about a subject that hardly anyone followed and cannot understand the context of your post.