Facebook Marketing Marketing | Page 20

Keep a constancy in the number of posts. If your company has no news explore the world of your niche market. Wrap the lives of people and their routines with products or services you offer. Certainly will not miss it. And if the whole process is still laborious, program publications can help maximize the time your team. For this we have some tools that enable scheduling posts to certain times, optimizing the reach of publications. To schedule a publication on Facebook itself have the option to program the time of both the beginning and the end, in case more time publications such events events. In the RD Station can also schedule publications, with the advantage to set up at the same time the publication not only on Facebook, but also on Twitter and LinkedIn. In addition, the tool now allows, among other features, you configure Landing Pages for cases in which are published releases of rich materials. 5. Make use of videos Videos drive more engagement and reach that posts with just text. No need for big productions, but basic care recording, content, script and creativity are key to a higher range. Check out some interesting facts about videos on Facebook.