Eyes on Early Years 7 | Page 4

Recognised schemas are known as the following: 1. Transporting schema Children enjoy repeatedly moving resources, and themselves, from one place to another. To help support this you can provide blocks, puzzles and vehicles to encourage them to pick up, move along and put down the objects. Providing physical activities outdoors and using wheelbarrows to move things like sand or water will also support this behaviour. 2. Connecting schema Children enjoy tying string to objects to drag them around, they also enjoy weaving ribbon in and out of resources. This helps them investigate how materials can be linked and their relationship to one another. Water play offers children the opportunity to practise connecting pipes and guttering. Creative activities provide opportunities to stick, staple, tie, cut and tear. 3. Rotational schema Have you noticed that some children display a preference for turning taps on and off, winding and unwinding string, and playing with hoops. They may also be fascinated with the physical experience of twirling and twisting the body, and rolling themselves down a hill. To help support this rotational schema you can use your outdoor space for bikes, playing parachute and circle games, pushing trolleys and wheelbarrows around. 4. Trajectory schema A fascination with the horizontal, vertical and diagonal movement of things, and self. To be able to explore this schema, children need to experience space and how movement occurs within it. You should provide an outdoor and a larger indoor area there is plenty of space for children to stack blocks on top of each other and knock them down again. Planks are also great for making ramps and rolling objects down. 5. Enveloping /enclosing schema During your teaching career you may have noticed children interested in wrapping themselves up, covering and hiding items, or getting into boxes and closing the lid. Children get deeply involved in exploring how they can fit themselves and other items inside. You can encourage this play by providing den-building equipment, dressing up clothes, blankets and pieces of fabric. 6. Transforming schema Children are fascinated by how materials change their state and enjoy mixing substances together. You should offer materials such as sand, mud and soil for mixing and discovering how materials change consistency when wet or dry. Your role Observe: When you observe children over time you will begin to see patterns. If your setting has learning journals, you can document this behaviour there. Support: Subtly support a child’s actions, offer resources and plan experiences that will motivate them to explore further. Extend: Plan resources and opportunities to extend the child’s experience and use of a schema, at the child’s pace. Find out more about Schemas! Join our upcoming Schema Play CPD: Date: 22nd August 2017 Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm Cost: AED 175/150 CACHE Student O ffice 2606 | Ta m e e m H o u s e | B a r s h a H e i g hts | D u ba i Ph on e : +971 4 2766737 | a d m in @ eyes- m e.co m | a d m i n @ qu e s t-me. e d u c ati o n | w w w. e ye s -me. co m | w w w. qu e s t- me.ed uc ati on