eye care 1 | Page 9

GLAUCOMA: THE SILENT THIEF OF SIGHT NO PAIN NO SYMPROMS, NO WONDER IT’S CALLED How would I know whether I have Glaucoma? 95% patients with glaucoma do not have any symptoms. Glaucoma is a silent disease that cannot be detected or felt by the patient since central vision remains unaffected till the late stages of the disease. Hence it is rightly called as the ‘sneak thief of sight’. It is usually detected during a routine eye checkup. Everyone over the age of 40 years should have a detailed eye check up, at least when one needs reading glasses. Hence it is advisable to not stop with visiting an optician alone. Those who have additional risk factors should undergo an early evaluation. What are the risk factors associated with Glaucoma? Age: Above 40 Family History of Glaucoma Diabetes Mellitus Hypertension, Or Thyroid diseases Treatment with steroids in the form of tablets, skin ointments, inhalers, eye drops etc. History of trauma Nearsightedness You will need an early check up if you have any of these.. 6