eye care 1 | Page 10

Are all Glaucomas same? No, there are many types of glaucoma. Some of these are: Open angle glaucoma, in which, despite of open drainage angle, the drainage does not occur Angle closure (closed angle) glaucoma, in which, the angle itself is closed preventing fluid drainage Secondary glaucoma, which occurs due to other eye disease or treatment with drugs like corticosteroids. What are the tests I need to undergo? Tests help in finding out the presence of glaucoma and also its progression in the subsequent follow ups. These tests include : • Tonometry: To measure the pressure in the eye • Gonioscopy: To assess the drainage angle • Ophthalmoscopy: To view the optic nerve • Pachymetry: To check the thickness of cornea • Perimetry: To assess the field of vision In Open Angle Glaucoma, Ocular Hypertension All these tests are painless. 7