Expose' Southeastern's Talented | Page 9

Mr. Julien says; “When I first came here [Southeastern] I was all over the place since I didn’t learn time management skills during my high school years, but eventually, I taught myself how to prioritize my activities, whether it was on or off campus."

Students who have had an encounter with Mr. Julien have had raving reviews.

Schuyler Ramsey, Southeastern senior, has said of Julien,

“ My first time meeting Daryl, was last semester (Spring ‘18) in our Communication and Law course under the leadership of Dr. Joe Mirando. We didn’t talk much, but when we did, we had small side conversations. He was always pretty funny and really cool.”

CAB member G Levet, also had an input on how Mr. Julien has impacted their organization by saying

“Daryl’s personality and work ethic makes him easily one of the best committee members we have. He is always eager to help, and full of creativity and ideas. Also, he’s a very dependable worker and friend.”

Fellow RHA member, and Orientation Leader Allie Fenerty, speaks of Julien as

“ DJ brings light into every room he walks into and never fails to make someone smile, especially me. Although I must admit when I first met him, I thought he was a little insane. He had such a loud personality, and just wasn’t afraid of anything. But I realized the more I got to know him, he is basically a ‘big teddy’, even as cliche’ as it sounds, he is always willing to help others. Especially with his famous bear hugs, they always get me out of the depressive episodes I have.”

Southeastern Broadcast Education Association President, and friend, Tyler Rogers describes Julien as the following;

“Hmm, to describe Daryl and his skills, is to say that Daryl is a reliable guy, especially when working in groups. He always gets his work done on time, like he’s the kind of classmate you can depend on in any type of clutch” said Rogers.