Expose' Southeastern's Talented | Page 8

"Senior year of college can be a stressful time"

Senior year of college can be a stressful time, as the case with Southeastern senior Daryl Julien. Daryl is a 21-year-old Communication major, and plans to graduate in the spring of 2019. Afterwards he plans on going to grad school focusing on public relations.

Julien is known around campus from his involvement in extracurricular clubs such as Campus Activities Board, Resident Hall Association, Orientation Leader, and project P.U.L.L. Mr. Julien is also an avid member of his community, with rolls like singing in the choir, acting as a deacon for his church, and acting in a documentary for one of his high school teachers.

Mr. Julien has participated in Jazz Fest for several years, under the kid’s tent. He has also performed in many plays and played the trombone in his school’s band during his high school career. When asked how does he manage his schedule between organizations, homework, class, and work,

Julien, who is pictured on the left, stops for a smile while working hard on ticket duty