Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 90


Engaging and Immersive Retail Environments

Recursive are a UK based design and development studio specialising in immersive experiences and interactive content for public-facing environments in retail , corporate and event spaces . Formed in 2012 , Recursive works with customers globally across the UK , the US , to the Middle and Far East .
Using cutting-edge technology including Unreal Engine and AI , Recursive have worked with major brands such as Burberry , Puma , Vodafone and Charlotte Tilbury to explore how technology can enhance , build and support richer in-store customer experiences , reinventing and reimagining the physical retail experience with a focus on customer engagement .
Recursive ’ s unique approach and insight have enabled the development of a diverse set of retail focused spaces , such as a recent project in South Korea , where the team designed a large immersive pop-up environment on the remote Island of Jeju , to digitally explore hidden landscapes for a major clothing brand . Working with four international artists , the team developed a unique physical space in which customers could interact with floor to ceiling projection , lighting , audio and sensors to immerse the senses , alongside fashion and food experiences .
Puma Arcade , City scape , Immersive Experience 5th Avenue , New York
90 Recursive