Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 65

By applying 3D printed applications of urban street furniture and installations as a connective tissue across our city centres and urban masterplans , we aim to transform and activate our cities , educating our end users in the process .


At the scale of the urban square , we have developed NACRE – a feature installation made of 3D printed concrete elements that celebrate the technologies ’ greater versatility for flexible design . Inspired by the mother of pearl , dynamic heights of bar , stool , and table elements allow multiple arrangements and user activations - from enjoying a drink whilst watching the sunset over Dubai or standing for a coffee to take a brief work call .
And finally at the largest scale of the masterplan is CONTOUR . Developed in collaboration with local 3D printer Concrete3D , Contour is a 3D printed concrete bench using 50 % less material in production and reducing
carbon footprint by up to 60 % compared to traditional fabrication methods . Installed in a series as part of the landscape redevelopment in Bregenz , Austria – the benches seamlessly create moments of rest along the Lake of Constance waterfront and reinvent the area for locals and visitors alike .
Together , these applications beyond their conceptual vision become educational opportunities for the end users – providing aesthetically beautiful solutions that inspire us to imagine the future of our cities through sustainable design practices using the latest in innovative 3D printing technologies .

By applying 3D printed applications of urban street furniture and installations as a connective tissue across our city centres and urban masterplans , we aim to transform and activate our cities , educating our end users in the process .

Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 in partnership with www . hagenhinderdael . com