Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 66

“ The ‘ Worlds First Smart Street ’ for Oxford Street . London

22 . Harry Dobbs Design

Crafting ‘ Culturally Smart ’ distinctive places

Harry Dobbs Design ( HDD ) are an award winning team of Urban Designers , Architects , Urban Brand and Product Designers with an established international track record of delivering innovative and culturally bespoke urban and architectural transformations tailored to the values and identity of city authorities , developers , transport authorities , hospitality and retailers across the world .
Our team works collaboratively , bringing a uniquely integrated cross disciplinary expertise that ensures our experience in brief development and strategic planning is guided right through to the delivery of social , cultural and economically vibrant places that have the necessary distinctive material and detail qualities for a sustainable and memorable sense of delight . This includes :
- Design of the multi-award winning bespoke urban furnishings for Downtown Doha , Qatar ’ s Capital premier urban district , with the delivery of a uniquely crafted and culturally tailored furniture family of urban lighting , benches , shelters , cycle stands and bollards .
- The ‘ World ’ s First Smart Street ’ and Smart City strategies for Europe ’ s leading Retail and Financial districts , including a 1.3km RIBA long international competition winning winter illuminations and delivery of the technologically innovative ‘ Cultural Oasis ’ installations for Oxford Street .
- A new passenger experience strategy for the Taiwan Civil Aviation Authority , building on their world leadership in Pandemic response to provide a user focused design approach integrating innovative technology , health and wellbeing and cultural communication .
HDD ’ s urban work specialises in introducing transformative new layers to existing environments , that radically enhance visitor engagement , operational agility and brand experience from the scale of public realm strategies to bespoke urban
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