Experience on Main Street Guide 2024 | Page 64

Hagen Hinderdael

Connective Tissues : 3D Printed Applications from Streetscape to Masterplan

Blending organic , recycled materials with traditional craftsmanship and AI-based additive manufacturing methods , HagenHinderdael create 3D printed sculptural products , feature installations and placemaking schemes that push the boundaries of engineering whilst bearing the incentive of a continuous afterlife . By applying 3D printed applications of urban street furniture and installations as a connective tissue across our city centers and urban masterplans , we aim to transform and activate our cities , educating our end users in the process .
At the scale of the streetscape , we consider the role of flexible and playful furniture . Part of Europe ’ s largest masterplan in Greenwich Peninsula , SWIVEL is a dual-purpose stool and planter made of 3D printed fermented sugar and wood fibre . Fabricated with the latest in environmentally friendly printing technologies , it achieves zero waste and can be turned upside down to include planting depending on its function - all whilst contributing to the wellbeing of the citizens of the City and stimulating social interaction and pause .
64 Hagen Hinderdael