Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 84

SS + A designed the retail space to not only attract museum visitors , but also passing footfall too .
Credit : ARJ Cre8

Stephen Spencer + Associates

The future of retail is Ambience

Your shop is your event space - an activation or extension of your brand experience . Stephen Spencer + Associates believe that every journey a customer takes through your store , both on and offline , should immerse them in your values and heritage , and leave them wanting more .
The work of this talented team is evidenced by a recent project , working with the small but perfectly formed Market Hall Museum , Warwick , to create a retail space which pulls in not only museum visitors , but passing trade too .
As lead consultant , Stephen took the team on a journey to reimagine the museum shop concept and to ensure the true essence of the museum ’ s heritage and contents were captured .
The starting point was a facilitated workshop which produced a new , internal , value proposition for the museum - crucially asking the question , “ what do we have here that we , and our visitors , can be passionate about ?” The next step was to create a vivid and memorable set of customer personas ; enabling the team to identify the experience , service and products each would ideally love to receive .
From this rich base metal the alchemy began : the concept of a reimagined market was
84 this great adventure