Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 144

The pandemic has forced us all to change and adapt in our personal and professional worlds . For organizations it acted in some ways like a massive creative constraint . Almost every type of business but especially those within in the experience economy had to adapt and innovate . As we return to the new normal we shouldn ’ t go back to operating like we did in the old normal . We need document what we learned during the pandemic and apply it moving forward . For example , we need to be more open to hybrid experiences . Just because we will be able to restore all touchpoints of some experiences to their in-person glory doesn ’ t mean we should . Some touchpoints work better online and that ’ s ok because doing somethings virtually will allow us to make inperson touchpoints even more memorable and meaningful .
Mat Duerden , Associate Professor , Alumni Research Fellow , Department of Experience Design and Management , Marriott School of Business , Brigham Young University
144 Stephen Spencer + Associates