Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 145

As we collectively re-emerge from our Covid cocoon , it ’ s going to be important to entertain and intrigue customers if you want to give them a reason to return to the brick-and-mortar storefront . It will become more important than ever to create experiences , holistically and collaboratively with the entire centre or high street , or simply within your own walls . As retail looks to reposition how brick-and-mortar stores fit into the consumer journey , experience must become an essential component . Merchants must look to give customers things that can ’ t be easily replicated online , and create tactile , engaging , and shareable experiences . We must prioritize customer engagement and stimulate imaginations , senses , and defy expectations .
Brandon Willey , Founder and CEO , Hownd , Brandon @ hownd . com
Without the recovery of the experience sector there can be no economic recovery from the coronacrisis . For goods and services are no longer enough ; it is experiences that now drive the economy forward . So towns and cities around the world need to understand that without engaging , memorable , and remarkable experiences people will not come back to the high streets .
in partnership with
B Joseph Pine III – author : The Experience Economy
Experience On Main Street 145