Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 143


Artist ’ s impression of THE ARC , a public sculpture for Wokingham Borough , UK . Credits : Designed by Nicola Anthony ( c ) 2022 and commissioned by Arts4Wokingham .
The mission of Nicola Anthony Studios is to make artwork which more than just an Instagram snapshot .
Credits : Nicola
Anthony ( c ) 2022 and commissioned by Arts4Wokingham
profound moments , inviting audiences to step into different worlds through storytelling .
Using steel , LEDs , sound and digital integrations , the artworks combine physical sculpture with hashtags , blockchain , google data and responsive lighting .
The current project , pictured here , is a landmark public sculpture called ‘ The Arc ’ in Wokingham ( UK ). The Arc is a sculptural poem made of stainless steel with interactive sound . The studio team has amassed a digital story archive which will be gifted to the local museum and library . The words have been sourced from local residents ’ stories . These words will be cut into the steel so that the daytime sun and evening lighting create a moving silhouette projection of poetry across the square .
Visitors can scan the plaque to hear sound recordings via their smartphone : listening in to experience a personal connection through the medium of the voice . The sound artwork also engages non visual audiences , developed in consultation with the local blind and visually impaired community .
The iconic sculpture has been commissioned by Arts4Wokingham to gain regional and national recognition as a dynamic cultural hub , enriching the area as a space to dwell , connect and engage . in partnership with www . nicolaanthony . co . uk
Experience On Main Street 143