Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 133


Artwork shows the pages users can enjoy by navigating Tudors Augmented
Young user interacts with Jane Boleyn using Tudors Augmented
Charlotte continues : ” Smell is the sense with the most direct connection to the limbic part of our brains that is where we develop memories , so we are quite literally , creating more memorable experiences of cultural heritage .”
Picture this Productions and MoCoFX primary audience for Tudors Augmented is Gen Z , as they see children and teenagers as the future guardians of our history . By offering the game on their mobile devices , it allows them to engage with cultural heritage on their terms .
The foundations of Tudors Augmented can be applied to different historical periods and places , with Romans Augmented and New York Augmented used as possible examples for the future . in partnership with www . moco-fx . co . uk
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