Experience on Main Street Brochure 2022 Edition | Page 134

Reality Check Productions

Introducing The Round : AR ’ s first live performance venue

The brainchild of Reality Check Productions , The Round is a world-first immersive venue for live performance using Augmented Reality .
The Round is set to be the go-to destination for next-generation live entertainment . The cutting-edge software will feature the world ’ s greatest artists performing for you and the entire world in a shared experience .
Working with state-of-the-art real-time motion-capture technology , the creative process is tailored to the arts , and distributed using technology available on more than 2.4 billion devices .
Development has been funded by Innovate UK . Reality Check Productions proposes to occupy an empty retail space in the heart of London to create a pop-up , virtual entertainment distribution hub - which celebrates local and creative talent , with a global reach .
The Round app for iOS and Android beams live holographic performances from anywhere in the world in real-time to your phone
134 Reality Check Productions