Exhibition II | Page 96

English Essays‎

“Our history begins before we are born. We represent hereditary influences of our race and our ancestors virtually live in us”. James Masmyth. James Masmyth said something very true and all people, arguably, should think the same. Ancestral knowledge is very important in every person’s life. Ancestral knowledge is important, because, it is part of our identity; it helps conserving biodiversity in our country, Colombia. But not everyone considers ancestral knowledge like something important.

The ancestral knowledge is very important for Colombia, because every Colombian person has an indigenous ancestor, according to the investigators of “The Colombian Humbolt Institute” and the investigators of the “PAEDP”. Colombia was first populated by indigenous people; al their values, techniques and specially their knowledge, are the roots of our culture. Our identity, and who we are, is mostly buildup of indigenous culture. Indigenous culture is pretty valuable because is full of knowledge that could help us in many aspects of our life.

Furthermore, ancestral knowledge is highly important for ecosystems, nature, animals, and biodiversity in general. Ancestral knowledge has plenty of practices, methods, ways and procedures to take care of the environment and to satisfy our needs without damaging nature, as we (society) sometimes do. It has been proved by “Fundación Pro-Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta” that indigenous people are the principal nature conservators. Without ancestral knowledge Colombia’s biodiversity would not be the same.

Although ancestral knowledge is important, some people consider it not important. Unfortunately a lot of Colombian people consider ancestral knowledge as a not important topic; it might be because, sadly, some people believe that indigenous related things are bad or not special because they think that they are “better” than indigenous, just because they are different. Colombian people should be proud of their roots and origins. Because this knowledge is being lost because of modern society and because kids are not well educated on this topic. Students of the “PAEDP University” worked on this topic and their worries about it. Even though this is just some people’s opinion, society should consider ancestral knowledge as something important.

In conclusion, we can deduct that even though there are different opinions about the importance of ancestral knowledge in our life, we can argue that every person should consider ancestral knowledge as an important aspect of their lives. People should be proud of having indigenous roots, and start taking action on what they say, do, or think about ancestral knowledge. Go ahead and be proud of who you are and where you belong to!


Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (2014) En Contexto - La autonomía de los pueblos indígenas como pieza clave en la gobernanza del territorio [Sitio web] Recuperado de http://www.humboldt.org.co/es/noticias/actualidad/item/619-autonomia-pueblos-indigenas

Mauricio Pardo (2014) Indígenas del Chocó [Sitio web] Recuperado de:


Santiago Arboleda Quiñonez (2004) Conocimientos ancestrales amenazados y destierro prorrogado: la encrucijada de y los afrocolombianos [Sitio web] Recuperado de http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/1237/18/17CAPI16.pdf

Enrique Sánchez Gutiérrez (2013) Saberes locales y uso de la biodiversidad en Colombia [Sitio web] Recuperado de https://www.cbd.int/doc/external/bioday-2006-colombia-resumenes-es.pdf

Kay Pacha (2014) CULTURA POPULAR – Saberes ancestrales de mi abuela y de Colombia [Sitio web] Recuperado de https://revistakaypacha.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/cultura-popular-saberes-ancestrales-de-mi-abuela-y-de-colombia

Acnur(2009) Los indigenas el desplazamiento forzoso en Colombia [Sitio web] Recuperado de http://www.acnur.org/t3/fileadmin/Documentos/RefugiadosAmericas/Colombia/Los_indigenas_y_el_desplazamiento_forzoso_en_Colombia.pdf?view=1

Ancestral Knowledge is Very Important

By Isabela Pereira