Exhibition II | Page 95

English Essays‎

Everyday, we see trees and animals everywhere we go. Dogs, cats and birds are our fellow friends. But there is something bigger and deeper. Climate change, deforestation, extinction, droughts and many more things are causing this world's extinction. Biodiversity is our friend and we need to defend it.

One of the main reasons why we need to defend it, is that it affects the food chain. If there is an imbalance between two species, it can affect a third species, because that species' food is gone, which kills him. This in turn affects another species and so on, until it provokes an undesirable plague, the extinction valuable species, or some other kind of consequence. This can mainly begin because of lack of knowledge or the introduction of an invader species. In the first case, many people think, for example, that all snakes are poisonous (actually very few of them ARE poisonous) and they kill them. Since snakes regulate levels of mice, a sudden, local extinction of snakes can cause a local plague. As in the second case, an invader species can be brought from another biome, and eat another species, and so on until it affects us. We need to increase awareness about which species is dangerous and which ones are not. We need people to think about the consequences of bringing an invader species to a foreign ecosystem. Thus the reason for defending nature.

Another reason why we need to protect nature is because many medicines come from many animals and plants. For example, Aloe Vera is a plant with medicinal properties which can make your skin hydrated and when drunk it can heal the stomach's lining. Some medicines come from animals, like some snakes, and many come from plants. Natural medicine can make our bodies healthier with fewer side effects than synthetic drugs.

Even though there are many reasons to defend biodiversity, many companies say that there unlimited resources and it does not matter if we trash the world. However, this is extremely false. According to the Eco Schools organization, biodiversity is responsible for protecting areas from natural disasters, reducing the risk of local and global climate change, recycling nutrients, pollination and biological control, controlling pollutants and monitoring the health of the environment. This makes biodiversity our "sponsor" for well–being and happiness.

In conclusion, helping the environment is good for everyone. Also, everybody can make a small change. Recycling, planting endangered trees, and signing petitions are good ways to help the world. Now, are you ready to become a biodiversity defensor?




Why is biodiversity essential for us?

By Gabriel Mas