Exhibition II | Page 97

English Essays‎

In the Faculty of Natural Sciences, from the National University of Colombia, several students conducted a research in 2009, showing that in Colombia 56% of the territory is completely surrounded by natural forest. the flora of Colombia is characterized by 130.000 species of plants that have been described within the Colombian territory. The flora brings a lot of benefits to humans like: food, water, wood, etc.

National Geographic researchers showed on October 20, 2014, that the flora in Colombia is as varied as its topography. The characteristics of Colombian territory is very rich, and the home of, for example, 4.260 invertebrates and 2.340 vertebrates. Some actions that the flora make in our society is to retain the soil, control of invasive species, pollination of plants and pest control.

Colombia is considered the second most bio-diverse country of the world, with more than the 20% of birds, 7% of mammals, and 6% of the total of reptiles of the world. In the mountain biome, there is a big development of plants like: wax palms, animals and flora, but some of this species are endangered, because of the human’s hand, as well as the fires.

Some people say that the flowers genetically altered have a bad impact on society, because at the time that they are altered, they start to release toxins that can be very harmful to the species that live in those areas, like for example the birds tile common, the wall creeper cejiblanco and the the Palmer tile.

In conclusion, the flora is very important in our daily life, because it gives us resources that we use every day, like for example the water, wood, oil, rubber, paper sheets, etc.

Flora in Colombia

By Jerónimo Cerón