English Essays‎
In the colombian comunity people think that we need to promote the ancestral knowledge in every colombian people because is our history and culture. This is the why we need to learn about it and teach to other people about the ancestral knowledge. Also the indigenous communtys help us take care of our our diodiversity.
The colombian people need to start to get more informed about what is whapening in our indigenous people like what they left the lenguages the us or the ones tgey use befor becouse is our hidtory what identify us like the american people that why we need to start to wet more informed about what our cuntry is living now a days. acording to some digits of ONU in the world we have 5.008 etnic groups and tha is the digidts we need to start to take care abour it but inly thys is the 5% of our world population.this is why we need to start taking care of our indigenous people and their past. Acording to the dicry 008 in all the colombian school the kids need to be teach about the ancestral and indigenous culture and nowledge .
The indigenous people hepl us to take care of our Biodiversity in june 1992 the united nations comfirmd a envirolmental development this was seid in rio the janeiro the envirolmental devolopment was that in the Amazon the indigenous people were the ones that protect the amazone forest of the tree cout thas why wee need to teach our kids that is not only one person taking care of our biodiversity is all the people who need to take care of the envirorolment. The endigenous people hunt ? yes but they take care of the spices in danegrous of being stinct this was afirm by nature.org. In the african continent are taking example on all the colombian indigenous cultures, the afroamericans whant to take care of the nature like we do and take care of our national culture and byodiverity like we do thats why we are being example for people in all the world.
The spanish people think that they were the ones that conquere to america but thats not tru indigenous people were here first. although many people think that spanish conquere america this is not tru but some colombian people mind never is gona change. in the colonial ttime the spanish people forced the indigenous and the black people to do all they whant and this in not all they also pud the in catoris people. this levels were peninsular which is a person whith a spanish disent born in Meso America, Negro which means which means a person of African slave desent and Indio wich means a poor and lees person. The spanish were the rich persons in that time and they were the kings and they make all the persons think that they were the coolest persons in that land. But this have a marc in colombian peole because they still thinking that the indigenosu people donsent take a bath and that they don change thir clouth. Colombian people think that but this is not the reality the reality us that yes the take a batha and yes they change thir clouth. Thats why colombian people seid that the spanish people were the ones that conquere America because they were teh clean people. But this is not true that why we need to take care and teach peole abaut the indigenous people and the teachings that they left us in the America that indigenous people conquere not in the America that spanish conquere and this is why colombi is a tresure of biodiversity.
In conclusion we need to start taking more care of our indigenous people by doing little actions like planting corn that is one of the moust important seed for moust of the indigenous communitys and making a campeing for the protection os the indigenosu people thats why we need to promote the ancestral knowledge in every colombian people
Loos Ancestral Knowledge
By Maria Fajardo