English Essays
The native flora of the moors should have been taken special care. Plants species of the moors are the main reservoirs of the drinking water, and that is why we should take care of them. The moors are the source of 70% of the fresh water in Colombia. Just a few privileged countries of the world have moors like Colombia with the 42,48% of moors of the world, and Ecuador with the 37% of the moors of the world. But also there are some moors in the North of Peru, and in Western Venezuela and Costa Rica. They are home of unique native species. Six of every 10 of plants species that are located in the moors live only in Colombia and Ecuador. Flora needs to be taken care of by all living beings, because they are part of an ecosystem, just like us.
Furthermore, moors provide us with 70% of the water that we use every day. Water is the main component of our organism. Without water the body begins to have problems such as early aging, and other internal problems. In addition, water is one of those elements that are directly related to the development of different forms of life. That means that without waters there is no life. For example, if water did not exist, we would not exist either, because water is part of us.
Colombians are lucky; we have the majority of moorlands in the whole world. Since 1993 the moorlands are protected by law. The Ministry of the environment and the Unit of the National Parks support the actions aimed to take care of them. For example, there are various organizations and campaigns in the whole world focusing on the protection of the environment such as WWF, ECUNA, TOGETHER FOR GOOD and, FRIENDS FOR CHANGE. Nickelodeon’s Together for good and Disney’s Friends for change are campaigns that promote to care of the environment among kids, because kids are the future of the planet.
However, there are farmers living in the moorlands, whose only way to guarantee for a living with is to grow potato crops. They obviously are going to remove all the moorlands’ native vegetation, like Frailejones, Water Quiches, and the Pinuela, which are some of the most endangered reservoirs of water, just to grow potato. They do not think for a second that what they are doing affects the environment, because they do it all to pay their bills.
In conclusion, the native flora of the moorlands is really important for all the living things, because it provides us with that transparent liquid that it is vital for us and any other living thing in the world. Let’s make sure to do anything we can to save the environment, take initiative and have our communities taking action too.
Armando Villota (2016) La 'vida' que hallará el caminante [Sitio Web] Recuperado de:http://www.eltiempo.com/multimedia/fotos/ecologia/flora-y-fauna-en-los-paramos/14040595
Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá (2016) Los páramos, fábricas de agua [Sitio Web] Recuperado de: http://www.culturarecreacionydeporte.gov.co/es/bogotanitos/biodiverciudad/los-paramos-fabricas-de-agua
Héctor Herrera (2013) Páramos = agua = vida [Sitio Web] Recuperado de: http://www.aida-americas.org/es/blog/p%C3%A1ramos-agua-vida
Why we Should Take Care of Moorlands
By María Carolina Forero