Exhibition II | Page 105

English Essays‎

The wildlife or fauna is the set of the animal species living in the same ecosystem, habitat or geographic region. There are two types of fauna. The wild animals and the ones that are in a process of domestication. The wild animals live in freedom. On the other hand, domesticated animals that are bred in captivity or semi-captivity, start losing their representative character of a wild animal, with the time.Animals are very sensitive to any unusual modification or the destruction of their habitat. The extinction of animals is accelerating due to the intervention, and sometimes, because of human irresponsible activities.

According to the Spei Domus magazine and to the veterinary José A. Ulloa G, "the current crisis of biodiversity, that is evidenced thanks to different reasons, like the loss of plants and wildlife, represents a significant threat to health and the future prosperity of mankind." According to the World Health Organization (WHO) our survival is related to biodiversity. In fact, many of the resources we consume or obtained daily, are the natural resources. For example, water, food and some medicines: such as propolis, which is a mixture of honey and eucalyptus. Or abrilar syrup, made from hedera helix, a medicinal plant used in different pharmaceutical products.

Biodiversity in Colombia is quite wide, however Colombians are irresponsible when it comes to taking care of the nature, that provides great benefits to us. There are specialized books that show us what species of each of the categories (birds, mammals, plants, etc) are critical, extinct or on their way to extinction. Some of These species are the Andean condor, parrots "yellow-eared", the mountain toucans and macaws. They ended up in danger of extinction because of the Colombian and indigenous people. Colombians domesticate and have macaws as pets, as well as indigenous people pluck out their feathers for different rituals and some traditional costumes.

One of the most important ecosystems in Colombia are the moors. From them we get most of the drinkable water. In this ecosystem there are different species like the Mountain Toucan, the Andean Condor and the Eagle from the Moors. These three animals are endangered due to human irresponsibility, because of the performance of legal and illegal mining. This happens in the Colombian Moors, because there different valuable minerals such as coal, emerald, gold, nickel and other precious metals, can be found.

In conclusion, to our survival we must ensure, take care, respect and value the natural resources and biodiversity. Our survival is in our hands, it's our decision. Everyone can contribute a little, to the conservation of biodiversity in our country and the world. So, will we take action on what is happening in our country and in the world? or will we stay silent watching how biodiversity collapses and leading us to the end? Nature needs us as much as we need it.


José A. Ulloa G (2012) ¿Por qué debemos conservar la fauna silvestre? [Sitio web] Recuperado de: http://revistas.ucc.edu.co/index.php/sp/article/view/98

World Health Organization ( ---) Climate change and human health [Sitio Web ] Recuperado de: http://www.who.int/globalchange/ecosystems/biodiversity/en/

Wikipedia ( 2016 ) Fauna [ Sitio Web ] Recuperado de : https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fauna

Opepa (---)Parámo - Descripción completa [ Sitio Web ] Recuperado de : http://www.opepa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=195&Itemid=31

Opepa (---) Extinción de Fauna Silvestre [ Sitio Web ] Recuperado de : http://www.opepa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=27&Itemid=33

Óscar Guesguán Serpa ( 2016 ) Oro y Carbón los principales minerales que se están explotando en los páramos [ Sitio web ] Recuperado de : http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/economia/oro-y-carbon-los-principales-minerales-se-estan-explota-articulo-615658

Fauna, Positive or Negative?

By Mauela Galán