Exhibition II | Page 104

English Essays‎

But on the other hand, mining can help citizens and the country improving the economy. According to exploradores.org, the influence of mining in the national economy is given by the important participation in our exportations, demand of labor, and other factors. Opening a mine also means new Job opportunities, but according to miningtruth.org. sometimes those kinds of Jobs are not filled with people form the areas near the mine. For example, poly-net says that 55% of the miners are “non-local” .However, gold mining and emerald mining help the fabrication of jewelry, such as craft or industrial one. Nevertheless, this does not even compare to the negative consequences, nor how mine workers risk their health and their lives, just to have enough money to live. Miners are paid a salary between 1’000.000 (COP) and 3’000.000 (COP) per month, according to their experience, which is quite low taking into account how they risk their health and lives. Their jobs are undervalued, especially on illegal mining sites. They might earn the same or more money in a safer place.

To summarize, it is not always true that the communities established near the mine have a prosper and healthy life. Yes, mining creates high amounts of money but miners and other groups are not the ones who benefit from it, and to take a job on a mine is not always a wise decision. Mining harms the environment and damages our health. We should contribute and help foundations that defend the community’s rights. So, do you think that mining is worth all of the loss lives?


GREENPLACE, (2015), Mining impacts, http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/campaigns/climate-change/coal/Mining-impacts/

Patiño,N,Viana,J,Hernan,A, (2o14), Mineria en Colombia: Derechos, politicas publicas y gobernanza, Colombia, Bogota, Contraloria general de la republica

Gutierrez,S,C,(2015),(Enero),Mineria en Colombia:Recorrido historico,www.lamineria.com.co

Mining in Colombia, England, London, (2014), (November), http://latinlawyer.com/reference/topics/46/jurisdictions/8/colombia/

Key stages on mining process, United Kingdom, https://www.cornish-mining.org.uk/delving-deeper/key-stages-mining-process