English Essays
Colombia is the second country in the world with more Biodiversity, we are the 10% of the fauna and flora in the world, Colombia is very rich in frogs and 1884 species of birds, 479 species of mammals, 3.274 species of butterflies and 900 species of ants. That’s why we have to conserve Colombia’s Biodiversity because as you see is very important for the world, sometimes I’m procupated because we are killing this beautiful nature.
Colombia is a Megadiverse country, but of 35.478 species of fauna 395 are in danger of extinction. This pass because many reasons like illegal minery, that when it explodes affects habitats and ecosystems the same pass with the expansions of the cities that when they become bigger they also affects habitats and ecosystems. Recent studies show that the Monk Seal (a Colombian specie of seals) is in danger of extinction there are only a little bit of them, his scientific name is( Monhachus Tropicales). Is important to know that The Condor of the Andes(Colombia’s national bird) is in danger of extinction. This birds measure, to the head until the tail 1,2 m. Some of them weight 13 kg. Thanks to the satelital monitoring the experts know that they fly around 300 km in a day.
Colombia has a very important animal that is in danger of extinction. His name is mountain toucan it is a very beautiful animal but they are like that because the hunters kill them because the beautiful plumage they have. They are also in danger of extinction because they are losing the trees were they made the nests. Umata (a special organization) is doing artificial nests to conserve the mountain toucan; they are monitoring the behaviors of the mountain toucan with the artificial nests that Umata did them close to the installations of Umata to help the toucan. The toucan makes holes in the trees and there they make the nests. In 50’s years the forestsdidn’t cover even the 50% of Colombian territory, this means ecosystems and habitats.
A exhibition in the Natural History Museum will show how extinction can help to increase biodiversity by letting new species to evolve into the niches left by the animals that die out.
In conclusión we have to conserve this beautiful contry that as you know it is very important for the world of it biodiversity the important animals of Colombia are dying because they are losing their territory and hábitats, so we have to make awarness of what is passing to Colombia.
Extinction Of Fauna In Colombia
By Martín Aranguren