Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 21

onsibility for ur Life By Candice Wilson When we don’t take responsibility for our actions that guilt enters our bodies and minds and eventually it needs to be release, the normal manifestation of this release is disease and sickness of the body. EVERYTHING that happens is your choice. I can see people baulking at the idea and immediately reacting and saying not all things that happen are a choice. People don’t choose to be raped or hurt, do they??? Why would anyone choose horrific things to happen to them? I was raped when I was 19 and when it happened would have agreed with you, and I don’t wish anyone to ever go through that pain. It took me 6 years to deal with what had happened and to start to realise that on a soul level, I had asked to be raped because there were certain life lessons that I needed to learn in this life, that would not have been possible if my life had been easy and free of pain, because of what happened I am able to help hundreds of people to get through the pain, hurt, anger and become stronger people. I believe that before we come down to earth we sit with God and our guides and Angels and discuss what we would like to learn in this life. We then choose parents, social conditions, people and events that will allow us to learn these lessons. Many people believe we only have one life, I, on the other hand, have seen many of my lives, and in some of those lives I was a horrible person and did terrible things. In one life, I was a man that raped and murdered women. I am not saying that your life now is a punishment for what you have done in other lives but that I choose to come back and experience what it was like to be a rape victim, and in doing so it has allowed me to help others, in other ways it does redress the karmic balance by allowing my soul the experience of been a victim. Ewya Nov 2016 -21