Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 20

Taking Respo you So many people you meet continuously moan or begrudge their fate. As far as they are concerned nothing ever goes well for them and life is just a drag, they blame everyone around them for their misfortune. You know who I am talking about! I bet their face sprang to mind as soon as you started reading this. The hard part is to be honest with yourself. Are you similar to this? Do you take responsibility for all your actions? Do you take responsibility for everything in your life? You are in your present circumstance as a direct result of your thoughts and actions. Your thoughts are energy and every time you think something, it goes out into the universe. If you have enough similar thoughts, they will merge to create what you are thinking on a continual basis. The actions you take in your life also form energy and they combine with your internal dialogue to create the reality you are living in. 20 - Ewya Nov 2016 Therefore it is safe to say you have manifested this reality and need to accept that you created it exactly as it is. You can’t blame anyone else for your misfortunes and the events in your life. Instead of placing blame on others turn the blame around onto yourself. Say to yourself why did I choose the circumstance that I am in? What I have been saying may not go down well with most of you, because as society we have become accustomed to blaming others. It starts in childhood through fear of punishment. We break a v ase and when confronted by our parents we are so scared of the punishment that we lie and say “no it was not me it was the dog, or the wind or your sister”. We don’t mean to lie but fear of the consequences overcomes us and we generally will take the easy way out.