Ewya Magazine Issue 4 November & December 2016 | Page 22

I am also aware that the man who raped me volunteered for the job , when my life path was decided he offered to allow me this lesson , in doing so he has had to suffer the pain and knowledge of what he has done . Therefore , I am so grateful to him for what he did for me , to allow me this life lesson .
Everyone says that you will be healed when you can forgive what has been done to you . I believe you are healed when you forgive yourself for your soul ’ s decisions . Now that I fully understand the way the universe works I have not forgiven him , but have begged him for his forgiveness . He does not need to be forgiven for what he did because he did what our souls agreed was the right thing for the soul lesson . He had some karmic issues to work through in this life and so , therefore , I refuse to carry the guilt because it was his decision as well .
Therefore , I also ask you to please , try to not to judge others for what they do . You have no idea what their life lesson is and why they have chosen this life path .
A few years ago , I worked with a 17-year-old girl who had been abused by her stepfather from age 6 to 10 , she was removed from the home and a protection order was put in place . Her mother stayed with this man as they had two children together . At 17 the family and social workers decided it was alright for this girl to be around the stepfather . He raped her in the bathroom shortly thereafter . She was so afraid of losing her family again that she refused to tell anyone other than me what happened . When I found out , I was so mad at him that I decided the world would be well rid of him . I have done remote healing for years and breaking of curses so I am quite able to work with people on a soul level . My dark side took over and I figured that if I could heal someone . I could make someone ’ s heart stop .
I sat and saw my hand wrap around his heart and I started to squeeze , he was starting to have a heart attack when my Angels managed to get through to me .
I will always remember what they said , “ stop Candice , you have no idea why she chose this path and what her lessons are , if you take this lesson away from her she will have to do it again , and you will be responsible for her been raped again , let go and allow them to follow their chosen paths ”.
Those words were like been knocked over the head , from that moment onwards I may not like what some people do , but I try to be objective and understand that they have a lesson to learn that I know nothing about . I am human after all and sometimes it is really hard to accept terrible events but they all happen for a reason and only the person it happens to will know the true reason .
Once I realised that everything that happened in my life was my responsibility it was a huge relief . I came to understand that everything that had happened was a decision that I had made and by accepting this , I was able to take an active part in my future by changing my thinking and actions to ensure that I created the future I desired . I actively participate in the creation of my life instead of sitting on the sidelines and allowing my parent , social condition and events to create my destiny .
If you have had a trauma event happen in your life and you cannot see the reason for it . Look at doing a past life regression session , or work with your angels ask them to show you why these events have happened . My angels did a past life regression with me which allowed me to see my lessons and take responsibility instead of blaming others . If you are in a financial predicament , look at your inner dialogue and see what the inner voice has on repeat . Accept that what that voice is saying is the reason you are in the position you are . Then make immediate steps to change these thoughts . Look back into your social conditioning to see if you have been programmed to think this way . If you have , then work on releasing these blocks so that they will not continue to hound you all the days of your life .
22 - Ewya Nov 2016