EVOLVE Business and Professional Magazine November 2016 | Page 19

notch , Daytona Beach-born-and-bred IT center that provides consulting , managed network , and data services to many area businesses and nonprofit organizations . A longtime member of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce , Okhovatian credits Daytona Beach ’ s business-friendly climate for the ability to realize his American Dream . “ The economy has had its ups and downs , but I believe in Daytona Beach , and I think it is poised for continued economic success . It is a great place to do business . There is no place else that I would want to be ,” he says .
If the numerous appreciation letters , plaques , and awards that decorate the entry alcove and conference room of the CompuSys headquarters are any measure , the feeling from the community is mutual . CompuSys often gives nonprofits , such as the Daytona Beach Symphony Society and the Domestic Abuse Council , the technology expertise and service levels they need but cannot afford . CompuSys supports many local nonprofit organizations such as Halifax Urban Ministry , Rotary Club , and the Boys and Girls Club . Many CompuSys employees refurbish old computers on their own time for Homefront for Veterans , and they participate in programs to advocate for battered women and children , among other charitable activities .
Well Grounded
“ When I started in this business , major technology changes came every five to eight years . Now things change every few weeks ,” Okhovatian says . No doubt , little has remained static since CompuSys opened it doors in 1982 . But through every hightech trend , Okhovatian has not wavered in his connection to the human side of IT . Looking forward , he observes : “ Technology has become an extension of our humanity — an integral part of who we are . It is only going to get more involved . Japan is already developing robotic shells that help the elderly and frail undertake everyday tasks . Like our health , we need to treat technology with respect and not take it for granted .”

Technology has become an extension of our humanity--an integral part of who we are .

Carrie B . Chambers is a freelance writer and Editor for EVOLVE .
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For additional information or questions regarding this message , please contact Tom Leek , Partner .
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