Finally , any words of wisdom for those wanting to get into the industry or wanting to become a DJ ? You know what , what I ’ m about to say will probably be cliché , you sieka dik of hearing it from your mother , your father , your older brother , teachers , sisters , aunty , uncle , but man ‘ Education ’ is key . Unfortunately if you want to survive in the industry there ’ s no shortcut for you , ‘ harties ’. People have tried it , and it just didn ’ t work . It ’ s an industry that ’ s not for the fainthearted number one . If you want to be a DJ , you want to get into broadcasting master the skills and get a deep understanding of what it ’ s about , in order for you to make a clear decision and then you decide if this is for you or not . You know for different people it kind of worked for different reasons , and for someone like myself , I came in from a completely different era in time , but we ’ re in very over saturated industry at the moment , so the opportunities are scarce . That however does not mean that the opportunities don ’ t exist , so if you don ’ t get in at a Goodhope FM or a 5 FM or a mainstream radio or TV platform , you have the internet and you can create and build your own style . I just freaking love music , I love the sound of the day and I love what DJ ’ s are brining to the table today . I think it ’ s awesome !
How much time does Ready D put aside to practice ? You know what , I try to practice as often as I can . Whenever I put a mix together I use that as an opportunity to practice , and when I come to do my show in the evenings , I at least get 10-20 minutes , but if life and my schedule would allow it , I would love to at least get about 3- 5 hours a day to practice . I would love to be in that space , because when I came up in the game , I used to spend like 7 hours a day practicing . You know from the time that my mom got up for work at 5 in the morning , the minute she was out by the door I was on the decks , until it was time to go to school . When I came from school , I was back on the decks . I would only get time to have supper then it was back on the decks with the headphones on my ears , just freaking gooi ’ ing . Ja so that is my take .
Who of the local DJ ’ s you rate highly and consider to be the next ‘ Big Thing ’? Man there ’ s so many people that have the potential to be the next ‘ Big Thing ’, you know there ’ s so many that have unfortunately left the scene because the industry just wasn ’ t that friendly to them for many different reasons , and when you speak about Big Thing , I think it ’ s a very broad question though , you know , because there ’ s people that have no skills , but yet they ’ re the big things , because they have a good business / management team behind them and they can hustle and flow . I would say that is the one thing , but on a Hip-Hop , turntablist level , I ’ m always going to acknowledge the likes of “ DJ E20 ” you know . This guy just