EverythingLocal Online Magazine EverythingLocal Online magazine | Page 20

got natural skill , natural talent for being a freaking turntablist . He ’ s just awesome on that level . Then of course it ’ s DJ Azul , not because they ’ re in my crew , there ’ s a reason why we ’ re together . I kinda look at the overall personality , because being a DJ and being involved with music is not just hitting the deck and you hitting the play button . It ’ s about how you connect with music as a human being as well , so those are the qualities I like to observe , when it comes to certain people . Then of course you know , you ’ ve gotta give big respect to the likes of ‘ Dr Jules ’, DJ Willy , those guys that have really , really been consistent and you can tell the guys are putting in hard work you know , to kinda develop themselves as DJ ’ s and they ’ re always pushing the envelope , so there ’ s just too many DJ ’ s out there to mention . A lot of the DJ ’ s that play on my show as well , they ’ re here for a reason as well . You know some of them are really technical in mixing , they bring a different style of music to , through the online platforms as well , but that doesn ’ t mean you can just go there and upload stuff and think you going to become a superstar through Facebook and twitter . There are people who are strategic in becoming successful through those mediums . Everything is carefully planned and initiated , and there ’ s always a roadmap and business plan behind it . So just take care of your skills , make sure your educational aspects are all in place , and just show commitment man , you know you ’ ll have the best experiences of your life , and you ’ ll have the most challenging experiences as well , that might throw you a curve ball or two , but the aim is to just stick in there , and stick to your guns . The best advice I can give to people , in this country don ’ t burn your bridges ou bra . Our country and the industry is small and we are all interconnected . I might be working here at Goodhope Fm , there might be a bra that might be collecting your dirt , but somehow our paths will cross in some form or fashion . We just live in a small community , we live in a small country and everything is interconnected and interwoven . It doesn ’ t matter if you are in Cape Town and somebody ’ s in Durban or Joburg or whatever . That ’ s just some of the lessons that I ’ ve learnt over the years . Don ’ t burn your bridges , keep your freaking nose clean , mind your own business , be mindful and be respectful of the next person as well . All the basic stuff you know , and all the advice our parents and teachers have given us , it ’ s invaluable and it counts in this day and age .