Everything You've ever wanted to know about Rhetoric (October, 2013) | Page 6


Platonic? What is that? Questions like that may be going through your head right now.

You may ask what their epistemology is. Well their episemology is that truth is absolute, perfect, infinite, transcendent, other wordly and that truth comes from the noumenal world.The noumenal world is what Plato believed the perfect form of anything, the absolute truth form. He also believes that knowledge is obtained from the noumenal world by teachings. Everyone has a soul and Plato believes that the soul have witnessed the noumenal world and witnessed perfect form. "The world in which our souls came and to which they will return is the world of permanence" (Smith, 50). We recall the truth by dialectic. Dialectic is collaberatly trying to come to a truth by asking questions. Void of ethos and pathos. Dialectic also helps you realize what you don't know and establishes the a difference between philosophy and rhetoric. "Plato's "noble rhetoric" (aka good rhetoric) is dialectical, aimed at drawing out the soul and

and leading it back to the emanating good/ God." (Smith, 51). Plato used his knowledge to convince people that rhetoric was bad because he believed that it was corrupting society. He believed that people were using rhetoric to corrupt others. So he didn't like it too much. Basically, he is a rhetorician who didn't like rhetoric. He hated democracy, too. Also, he belived that it was better to be wronged is better than committing a wrong and if you committed a wrong you would be punished.

He considered himself to be the Philosopher king because he thought philosophy is greater than rhetoric. Can you believe that someone who was a famous rhetorician hated writing. Yeah, I know. He denounced it and believed that it would decrease our memories and that it couldn't defend it self and end up being for an audience it wasn't meant for. Plato thought rhetoric was a habitude or a knack. He was Socrates' pupil. Plato started the academy where he mentored his most famous student, Aristotle. Included in the Platonic school of thought is Socrates, who asked too many questions!