Everything You've ever wanted to know about Rhetoric (October, 2013) | Page 5


This guy is a Sophist (obviously). He was the person who advised Pericles. You may know this guy as the father of debate or as you just learned dissoi logoi. He was a person who relied heavily on vurtue and made sure his students learned it and learned it well. He used language ethically in order to prepare his students to make speeches and use rhetoric. He is one of the most influential persons of rhetoric.


Socrates? No I-Socrates! Who is that you may ask. Well Isocrates was a pupil of Gorgias who believed that Rhetoric led to ulitmate virute. He opened up his own school and had stage fright. (uh oh!) He believed that the parts of the speech can be split up like this: the beginning is the head, the middle is the torso, and the end is the legs just like on your body. He didn't consider himself a Sophist and was a frenemy of Plato, but was well liked by Aristotle.


This guy mentioned here is Gorgias. Some people call him gorgeous. Who is Gorigas you may ask. Well he is a Sophist. He teaches Isocrates and believed that rhetoric was like magic. It can heal you. He is known as the father of ceremonial speech and it is said that he created his own gold statue of him (conceited much)! He was a well-respected rhetorician and everyone seemed to like him. He used gestures with his speeches to make them not only more interesting but to persuade his audience.

"Humans are incapable of knowing absolute truth!." (Smith, 54)