EURASIAN EDUCATION №6 2017 | Page 22

¹6 (6) 2015 and also being in Russian - speaking environment caused difficulties in order to get accustomed to new places. As a consequence, 800 families from Mongolia, about 200 fami- lies came from Altay in 1993, many families from Turkey and Kara - Kalpakstan had to return back. Its main reason: economiccrisisand the events emerged at the same time negatively influenced to migration process. The first noisy event of migration slowed down, so number of repatriates from far and near abroad countriesin 1996 was 4 times less than 1991 and 2 times less than 1993. In 1991-1992 totally 1100 families came back to our country, from Mongolia 3 families came in 1995 and only 17 families came in 1996. Repatriates from other countries temporarily stopped. However it is known that temp (speed) of migra- tion process came up tohigh level again when economy has been improved. According to 1991- 2008 in total accommodation 169 681 families, 664 949 people returned back to their his- torical Motherland. Among them there were 45 doctors of Science, 242candidates of Science, 24847 specialists with higher education. From them 1530 people deal with cre- ative work, 11753 people work in the sphere of education and 6058 people work in the sphere of medicine, 773 people in state work. And also working age of people com- prises 40,9%, pensioners comprise 4,4%.Majority of re- patriates moved from Uzbekistan - 61,3%, Mongolia - 13,56%, Turkmenistan - 8,3%, China - 8,3%, Russia 3,9%, Tajikistan - 1,74%, Kyrgyzstan - 1%, rest of them: 1% is from Hungary, Denmark, Israel, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania,Belorussia [12]. We can see from these indica- tors that major part of repatriates is comprised by working middle aged citizens. Conclusions: Repatriation tendency of citizens moving back to our coun- try consists of global problems in total basic moral and material scale: History - To organize / arrange delivery of repatriates to their his- torical Motherland; - To provide adaptation of repatraites to local places, to solve problems with accommodation, work and education; - To give civil rights. In order to solve these problems below mentioned privi- leges are considered for the citizens who got a status of "repatriate - oralman" in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About migration of people": - To assist in improvement of their qualification and mas- ter a new specialty during getting a job; - To provide conditions to teach state language and Rus- sian language in case of willing; - To lay off temporarily from the service in Military Forces in accordance with the regulations of legislation of the Re- public of Kazakhstan; - To allocate quota to enter higher and secondary educa- tional institutions based on determined norms of the Gov- ernment of RK; - To allocate places in schools, pre-school and social pro- tection departments for the citizens in need; - To pay pension in accordance with legislation of RK and international regulations; - To pay allowances based on invalidity, absence of sup- porter and age; - To make free from payment of duties for visa council services during moving in RK; - To get full guaranteed free medical service according to legislation of RK; - To render a social assistance based on the Law of RK "About State social assistance" [2]. If the above mentioned problems could find their full so- lution in order our country fellows can move back to our Motherland and live permanently,it would give possibility to about 5 mln Kazakh families living abroad to return to their country back. REFERENCES: 1. Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias // 2. Law of RK dated 1997 "About migration of people" -Astana, 2012. - p. 46 (2012.27.04. with given changes and additions) 3. CommitteeonHumanrightsunderthePresidentoftheRepublicofKazakhstan, a Special Report "About situation with rights of repatriates - oralmans, persons without citizenship and refugees in the Republic of Kazakhstan". Under total edition of Kuanysh Sultanov, Tastemir Abishev, Astana, 2012 - p. 144. 4. Z. Kinaiyatuly. Kazakhs in Mongolia. - Almaty, 2001. - p. 289. 5. Mutual activities and future of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakh diaspora. - Almaty, 1997. p. 74-77. 6. 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