43 000 families or 181,4 thousand people, if to say ex-
actly 63,9 thousand from Mongolia, 4,8 thousand from Iran,
2,6 thousand from Turkey, 83 from Afghanistan, 106,8 thou-
sand from CIS countries moved back to Kazakhstan in 1991-
1999.And1 739 families (7 691 people), from them 280 fami-
lies (1 265 people) moved back in 1996 based on quota.
Moreover, we can noti ce that in 1999 migration policy got a
great attention and assistance from Government side has
improved, and also number of emigrants has increased. It
is proved by the following: in 1991 from Pakistan - 95 fami-
lies (419 people), from Turkey - 32 families (147 people),
from Mongolia - 50 families(195 people), from Iran - 18
families (65 people) have been moved to our country based
on quota and organized way.And there are also reaptriates
who moved back themselves individually without
Government's assistance: from China - 20 families(105
people), from Tajikistan - 10 families (49 people), from
Ubekistan - 45 families (226 people), from Afghanistan - 10
families (59 people) moved to Kazakhstan. According to
the information of the Agency of Migration and Demogra-
phy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 42 987 Kazakh families
(183 652 people) moved to the Republic of Kazakhstan
between 1991 and 2000, 60% of these people are from CIS
countries: from Uzbekistan - 62737, from Turkmenistan -
22055, from Tadzhikistan - 10476, from Russia - 8490, from
far abroad countries: from Mongolia - 65202, from Iran -
5030, from Turkey - 3780, from Afghanistan - 1719, from
China - 2214, from Pakistan - 1102 people moved back to
their own country [7].And among the repatriates came back
in 2001 from far abroad and near abroad countries there
were 13 Doctors of Science and 67 Candidates of Science.
Figure indicator of the citizens who have higher education
is 12 182 persons, 1 472 with unfinished higher education,
with secondary education - 16 196, creative workers - 631,
5 persons in sphere of education, 2 492 persons in the
sphere of medicine, state workers- 651, in the sphere of
business and entrepreneurs - 2576 [8].
As our President N.A. Nazarbaev remarked in his pro-
gram of strategical development "Kazakhstan - 2030" the
main attention is paid to the problem of achieving the num-
ber of people in the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 20 melon
until 2015. In this regard, with the purpose to make condi-
tions for our country fellows in abroad in order to return to
our country back and to realize State policy, laws of the RK
have been adopted "About migration of people", "About citi-
zenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan", based on the re-
quirements of these laws, additional privileges were started
to be considered for repatriates. Every year in accordance
with the President's Decree, quotafor repatriates' move were
confirmed and the Government issued its Resolution in or-
der to realize the Decree.
Nowadays migration of our country fellows has been re-
alized based on two ways, firstly - based on special quota,
allocated by the State, secondly - out of quota. Due to this,
from 1991 to July 2005totally 110 591 families, 136
787people, i.e. 39936families moved to the Republic of
Kazakhstan from far and near abroad countries until the
1st of January 2007.From them: 61,6% - from Uzbekistan,
14,3% - from Mongolia, 8,6% - from Turkmenistan, 6,7% -
from China (14189). 10521 families of them moved based
on quota and 29415 families - without quota. It comprises
28 percent of repatriates, came to the Republic [9].
The repatriates who moved to our country from abroad
are accommodated based on quota in accordance with the
Law "About migration of people".According to the data of
above mentioned Agency realization of this quota is not
performed properly. For example, in 1993 its realization was
76,5%, in 1994 - 51,5%, in 1995 - 66,6%, in 1996 - 63,6%,
in 1997 - 56%, in 1998 - 53,4%. And in 1999 and 2000 this
indicator was realized due to repatriates from Russia and
Uzbekistan. In 2002 quota was for 2600 families, we notice
that number of quota increased in average 13-14 thousand.
However since2011 this process has been stopped. In this
¹6 (6) 2015
regard number of repatriates has been decreased.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic
of Kazakhstan dated December 27, 2004 № 1508 "About
quota for the repatriates for 2005 - 2007" in 2006 accep-
tance of 15000 repatriate families was considered and this
event has been performed for 99,4%, i.e. 14907 (82471
people) repatriate families were accommodated in the Re-
public regions based on migration quota [11]. From this
data we notice that the annual quota allocated from the
budgethas increased. According to the general statistic data
since Kazakhstan got its independence 221,3 thousand
families or 860 450 ethnical Kazakh people returned back
to our country until 2011 (Diagram№1).
Diagram №1
Numbers of returnees, moved from foreign countries
between 1991 and
01. 10. 2011 [6]
families % people %
Other States 789 0,4 3549 0,4
Other States in the CIS 355 0,2 934 0,1
Turkey 906 0,4 3511 0,4
Iran 1149 0,5 5985 0,7
Kyrgyzstan 2559 1,2 9248 1,1
Tadjikistan 2760 1,2 11684 1,4
Russia 11433 5,2 36357 4,2
Turkmenistan 16517 7,5 64862 7,5
China 28000 12,6 90881 10,6
Mongolia 22920 10,4 113705 13,2
Uzbekistan 133970 60,5 519734 60,4
Everybody knows that since getting the independence,
the policy of migration has been paid lot of attention; how-
ever there were periods when migration indicator went down
due to economic and social conditions.
Until 1993 getting of Kazakhstan citizenship for repatri-
ates from abroad was one of difficult problems. In1992-
1993 the period of general privatizationwas started in
Kazakhstan. As the repatriates could not get citizenship they
were out of this period. Due to absence of citizenship they
had no possibility to get a job and their children had no
chance to enter the foreign institutions. In 1993-1998
economiccrisis and the above mentioned conditions nega-
tively influenced to migration process.
Due to shifting to market economy and difficulties of
Kazakhstan, number of Kazakh repatriates from Mongolia
and China was decreased. Their scattered accomodation