¹ 6 ( 6 ) 2015
Мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының тәуелсіздік алған жылдарынан бергі репатриация процесіне статистикалық деректер негізінде талдау жасалынған . Шет мемлдекеттерден қоныс аударған репатрианттардың облыс аймақтарына орналасуы мен қоныс аударушылардың сандық көрсеткіштеріне анықтама берілген . Сондай-ақ , репатриация үрдісінің әлемдік тұрғыда шешуді қажет ететін бірқатар мәселелері қарастырылған .
Shakarim Semey State University Doctor of historical sciences , professor
PhD of Comparative history , Dokuz Eylul University , The Republic of Turkey , Izmir .
Introduction :
Repatriation - ( in Latin " repatriate " means to return to the motherland ) to return people who left in the regions of other countries due to different reasons [ 1 ]. And a repatriate is the citizen who returns to his or her country back . Nowadays this term has a wide usage , the international term " repatriate " has been started to use " oralman ( returnee )" in social relations and state legislative acts in regards to our country fellows who moved from Kazakh land due to different historical reasons .
According to the Law of the RK , Article 1 , Clause 13 " About migration of people ": Oralmans- returnees ( repatriates ) are the foreigners or people without citizenship who have the following characteristics : - Firstly , they are citizens of Kazakh nation ; - Secondly , the people who live constantly in the areas out of the Republic of Kazakhstan until the 16th of December 1991 ;
- Thirdly , the people who came to Kazakhstan with the purpose to live permanently [ 2 ].
Today more than 5 mln people of Kazakh ethnics live out of Kazakhstan , i . e . in more than 40 countries of the world . About 1,5 mlnin Uzbekistan , 1,5 mlnin China , 1 mlnin Russia , 100000 in Turkmenistan , 80000 in Mongolia and 45000 in Kyrgyzstan . Majority of Kazakh diaspore live in Turkey , Afghanistan , Iran and in other countries of the world . The main reason of moveof Kazakh nation to foreign country is 1920 and 1930 years , i . e . due to the years of political expulsion , repression , famine and collectivization4 200 000 Kazakh people moved to the area out of Soviet Union ( China , Mongolia , India , Afghanistan , Iran , Turkey ) [ 3 ]. After Kazakhstan got its independence , this process has been moved back , i . e . it caused repatriation tendency . Analyses : Repatriation process started its realization in February 1991 when 97 Kazakh people moved from Mongolia . This move has a natural ( not organized by the government ) character . In this regard we can divide repatriation process of returnees to their Motherland into two processes . First - the emigrantswho moved due to the finance allocated by the
В статье рассмотрены процессы репатриации в Республике Казахстан на основе статистических данных за годы независимости страны . Авторы подробно анализируют количественные показатели процесса репатриации , географический ареал расселения репатриантов , а также анализируется международный опыт по решению проблем репатриации .
The article makes historical analyses to the repatriation process on the basis of chronologic order due to exact statistical data since the period when the Republic of Kazakhstan got its independence . It also gives definition to the accommodation regions of Kazakh citizens from different countries and to the indicators of figures of repatriates ( returnees ). Besides the article deals with many problems of repatriation tendency which need their solution based on the world level .
Government , second-natural , ifto say exactly , the people who moved themselves for their own finance without government ' s assistance .
According the data of Z . Kinaiyatuly , between 1991-1993 totally 60 000 Kazakh people returned back to their historical Motherland from Mongolia . Majority of the returnees from this State are intelligent representatives : doctors , engineers and scientists [ 4 ]. Kazakh people in Turkey , China , Uzbekistan continued this processwhich took its beginning from Mongolia . Due to this started process a new phenomenonnamed " migration " appeared in Kazakh political and social life in 1991 and it caused sudden unexpected new problems . In accordance with the Resolution of the Ministers ' Council about " Migration " adopted in 1992 they created a Department of Migration under the Ministry of Labor . This department accepted the first group of World Kazakh association and realized the activities of State importance . Based on this program 1 297 families , totally 62 126 people returned to our country as a result of general moveof Kazakh people from Mongolia in 1991 - 1992 . Our country fellows accommodated in many populated areasand big cities of Kazakhstan ( Karaganda , Taldykorgan , Pavlodar Oblasts ). According to the data number of emigrants returned back to Kazakhstan between 1991 - 1997 comprised about 64 000 Kazakh families [ 5 ]. This process brought essential changes to demographical condition of Kazakhstan which has just got its independence and started to develop , so number of Kazakh nation increased .
137 919 country fellows moved back to our Republic from 1991 to 1995 . Majority of them ( 50,6 %) were from bordering countries - Russia , Tajikistan , Caucasus . Emigrant Kazakhs from far abroad countries- Mongolia , Iran , Turkey , Afghanistan comprised 49,4 %. In 1993 after the joint agreement between the Kazakh delegation and Iran Government , repatriation of Kazakh people has been started totally . These years 3 661 Kazakh people moved here and 1 280 families moved back to the country in 1996 . The Kazakh people who came from Iran accommodated in Almaty , Southern Kazakhstan and Mangystau regions . 2 968 Kazakh people from Iran , 1755 Kazakh people from Turkey accommodated in our Republic between 1989-1999 [ 7 ]. So , the number of repatriates who came back to our country based on State quota and without quota increased from year to year .