¹ 1 ( 1 ) 2015
Мақала балар мен жасөспірімдердің мобильді телефондар мен гаджеттердің көмегімен интернет желісін жиі пайдалануы мәселесіне арналған . Мақала ата-аналар мен мұғалімдерге арналған .
Статья посвящена проблеме частого пользования интернетом посредством мобильных устройств и гаджетов детьми и подростками , в частности , использования интернета во время учебных занятий . Статья представляет интерес для родителей и учителей .
The article is concerned with a problem of using internet trough mobile devices by children and teenagers , in particular using internet during the school time . The article is of interest to parents and teachers .
Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Semey Subject : Computer Science UK National 15 years experience
To most parents the Internet can be regarded as a foreign country . It is safe to assume that they would happily continue living their lives without using or engaging with it .
Conversely such a concept would be totally alien to a young person ( 12 to 24 year olds ). For them life without the Internet … it ' s just not living !
You can demonstrate this by asking a young person : How many times a day do they check their messages ? Don ' t be surprised at the answer .
In 2014 a survey performed by consulting group Deloitte produced the following figures 18 to 24-year-olds check their device on average 53 times a day , and for 13 % the figure is more than 100 times . In comparison 65 to 75-year-olds check their device 13 times a day on average and for 56 % it is less than 10 times .
So parents be warned , the habits of young people are
not likely to change . But where do we go next ? How can parents regain control of the situation ?
Children ' s cyber behavior needs to be viewed in a bigger social context . What children are doing online today is simply an extension of what they used to do in the real world . In the past , kids often wandered the streets ( or woods and fields ) with relative freedom , and used that time to explore boundaries and congregate with friends . But now this has been curtailed by protective parents , children roam in cyber space instead .
As a teacher of technology I have certainly noticed the change of attitudes with regard to the use of phones in schools . At first smartphones were treated with fear and suspicion - now teachers are trying to use them as a tool to enhance teaching and learning within the classroom .
Here ' s a naive thought - the more time children use phones in school then the less time they use them at home !
REFERENCE 1 . danahboyd . ( 2014 ). It ' s Complicated : The Social Lives of Networked Teens . New Haven : Yale University Press . 2 . www . deloitte . com / us / mobileconsumer ( 2014 )