Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learning Events in the Learning Lab.
Now I have a lot of projects and contacts, that
always enrich me.
İçinde. Akssan, M. ve Aksan, Y. (yay. haz.)
Türkçe Öğretiminde Güncel Çalışmalar. Ankara.
Mersin Üniversitesi Yayınları. TÜBİTAK.
In the future, one might also include the
universities. Because the scientific approach would
help us and perhaps lead to new ideas.
by Miguela Fernandes
Bulkowski, H. (1974). Das ist ein Mensch. Eine
Sammlung schriftlicher Äusserungen von Kindern.
Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag.
Cybinski, H., Neugebauer,C. und Schiller, F. (2004).
Hörspiele selber machen. Mühlheim. Verlag an der
İpşiroğlu, Z. (2008). Yaratıcı Yazma Çalışmalarında
Gözün İşlevi. İstanbul: Morpa Kültür Yayınları.
Kanlıöz, Y. (2012). E-Twinning Projeleri ile Yaratıcı
Yazma Çalışmaları.
I am one of the five eTwinning ambassadors in
Portugal, each of us representing one region of
Portugal. I´m representing the center of the
Projects in Portugal have grown due to the
dissemination that we make to eTwinning in
Portugal. We work with our NSS as one team and
we believe that’s one good reason for the success
of eTwinning in Portugal. We have regular meetings
and collaborate online almost every day. At the
beginning of the school year we meet each other in
order to prepare the first school period (September
to December).