Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Make radio plays himself and exchange end
levels," Our school is a primary school in the city of
Mersin. I teach elementary school subjects. Since
2005 I am doing radio plays with my students in
Turkish. We work first with picture books, which the
students find sounds. Poems and plays are read.
The children also make various background noises
that make the text more alive. Read plays, make
the kids always fun. They can also become good
readers. Incidentally, the background noise and
give information about the place and the time. The
children can also be creative. But it can also be
creative writing. But we can also take part in other
project ideas."
But no one wanted to get in touch with me or make
a project. I was disappointed and almost haunted
by it... Until I saw a message in the mailbox one
It was my first partner from Germany, who was
looking through my profile and sounded interested
in creative writing and listening texts. He was also
new to the site and we did not know how the tools
were used. At that time, there were no
Ambassodors active in the country and we wrote
directly to Brussels. They were all so nice and
answered our questions very quickly. But the site
was very slow, it took us a lot of time to upload a
photo or a powerpoint to the project page... But we
did not despair.
When I look back now, I see very clearly how far
the project-based work in eTwinning has taken me
and my students - it has ‘expanded’ us both
professionally and personally. It led to exchange of
experience specifically in a methodological,
pedagogical sense. At the same time, foreign
language competence to communicate developed.
By the way, we learned to integrate new
technologies in the classroom and the creative use
technology and technical means. Also the planning
of the time was very important. All this we found
also for our students. The students learned very
well and coul