eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 3 | Page 49

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2013 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Job Shadowing by Magdalena Goc University on evaluating. We saw the Temple of Diana and the Cathedral in Evora and bought some honey and cork souvenirs. Our visit was very fruitful – we have exchanged ideas on our project with our partners who earlier we knew only online, and got to know many other teachers who turned to be interested in exchanging e-mail with our students. I would like to share my experience concerning jobshadowing. I was in Portugal from 15 to 21 April this year at a so-called job-shadowing (Comenius – Individual Mobilities) as a result of invitation of our eTwinning project CHISAE partner who wanted to evaluate it, plan future activities and show us how educational system works there. The program of this mobility was perfectly organized by our partner and friend, Betina Astride – a headmaster and teachers’ evaluator at Primary School in Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal. We spent many hours at different kinds of schools – town and rural, observing the track of lessons, teaching students some Polish songs and games, telling some interesting stories about Polish children lives, chatting etc. We also visited Musical School in Montemor-o-Novo and participated in an interesting lecture at Lisbon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Story on the eTwinning Portal Since 2009 by Yildiz Kanlioz When by chance I saw the news on the Internet in 2009 that Turkey could participate in the eTwinning programme, I was very happy. Finally I could contact and comunicate in German with my foreign colleagues. Without much thinking, I registered myself and thanked my then headmaster of the school for approving my registration to this site, I was now able to find new colleagues. I wrote a detailed information on my eTwinning Profile which projects that interested me. I wrote: 49